Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Hangry for Change Episode 5
We are thrilled to announce that Episode 5 of WSCAH’s Hangry for Change podcast is now available online! This episode, titled "Nourishing the Newest New Yorkers", delves into the impact of the recent influx of 160,000 asylum seekers to NYC, with Manhattan and Queens now home to about 70% of them.

Join Greg Silverman as he speaks with:
- Michael Ottley – Director of Operations, Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen
- Adama Bah – Founder, Afrikana Center
- Carmen De La Rosa, District 10 Councilmember
Together, they discuss the challenges and efforts of nonprofits across the city to provide basic necessities to individuals and families that are arriving often with just the clothes on their backs.
As government funding continues to decline it is clear that front line organizations are only able to do such essential work because of our network of advocates and supporters. You can help the migrant community retain their dignity and ensure they have access to healthy food for themselves and their families by volunteering, donating, and sharing our mission. Thank you for being on this journey with us.